Temporal Graph Analysis with TGX (WSDM 2024 Demo Track)
TGX supports all datasets from TGB and Poursafaei et al. 2022 as well as any custom dataset in .csv
TGX provides numerous temporal graph visualization plots and statistics out of the box.
Data Loading
For detailed tutorial on how to load the datasets into tgx.Graph
, see docs/tutorials/data_loader.ipynb
- Load TGB datasets
import tgx
dataset = tgx.tgb_data("tgbl-wiki")
ctdg = tgx.Graph(dataset)
- Load built-in datasets
dataset = tgx.builtin.uci()
ctdg = tgx.Graph(dataset)
- Load custom datasets from
from tgx.io.read import read_csv
toy_fname = "docs/tutorials/toy_data.csv"
edgelist = read_csv(toy_fname, header=True,index=False, t_col=0,)
Visualization and Statistics
For detailed tutorial on how to generate visualizations and compute statistics for temporal graphs, see docs/tutorials/data_viz_stats.ipynb
- Discretize the network (required for viz)
dataset = tgx.builtin.uci()
ctdg = tgx.Graph(dataset)
time_scale = "weekly"
dtdg, ts_list = ctdg.discretize(time_scale=time_scale, store_unix=True)
- Plot the number of nodes over time
tgx.degree_over_time(dtdg, network_name="uci")
- Compute novelty index
Install dependency
Our implementation works with python >= 3.9 and can be installed as follows
- set up virtual environment (conda should work as well)
python -m venv ~/tgx_env/
source ~/tgx_env/bin/activate
- install external packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
- install local dependencies under root directory
pip install -e .
- [alternatively] install from test-pypi
pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ py-tgx
You can specify the version with ==
, note that the pypi version might not always be the most updated version
- [optional] install mkdocs dependencies to serve the documentation locally
pip install mkdocs-glightbox
Creating new branch
first create the branch on github
git fetch origin
git checkout -b test origin/test